Todd Morehead is the Founder and Director of Grafted Ministries and is from Southern California, where he lives with his wife and four children. He is a graduate of Talbot Seminary with a M.A. in Biblical & Theological Studies and has over twenty years of experience in ministry.
Ever since Todd can remember, he’s had a love for the Jewish people and the land of Israel. He became a believer at a very young age and with that decision, the love of Israel followed suit.
In his earlier years, Todd worked for a couple different Christian organizations, but regardless of the task at hand, the Jewish people were always on his heart and mind. Wherever he went, it was as if he had a magnetic pull towards the Jewish people, which always led to new friendships.
In his early twenties, Todd realized there was a problem; not all Christians share God’s love for Israel and the Jewish people. Being convinced by the Scriptures that the Jews are not just another people group Christians can choose to cultivate a heart for, his vision sharpened and he began to laser in on helping Christians understand their role with God’s chosen people. Grafted Ministries was birthed out of this focus.
Whether it’s the films or study guides he creates, or the Israel trips he leads—where he has been about thirty times, Todd’s aim is to awaken Christians to God’s purpose for them with the Jewish people.
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